6th Annual Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference: Rejuvenating Sisterhood
April 18, 20099am- 6pm
Coppin State University
Tawes Center
Quickly becoming a destination event, you do not want to miss this experience! Call your best friend! Sister! Neighbor and mark the date now!------------------------------------------------
The planning committee for Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference is currently looking for workshop presentations for our the 6th Annual Conference with the theme of Rejuvenating Sisterhood.
Workshops that are informative, interactive and appropriate for women 16 and up are being requested. We are seeking presenters who are passionate about helping women to empower themselves and understand the relevance of each woman being a part of the cure needed in our communities.
The conference will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 9:00am- 6pm.
The expected audience participation is 200 plus women from the Baltimore, Virginia, Washington, D.C., New York and Pennsylvania areas.The purpose of this conference is to help perpetuate a nation-wide movement of healing for our families and communities, in order to generate a vibrant future. Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. is a movement to gather, educate and encourage women from all cultures and backgrounds to utilize each other for the common goals of personal, community and nation-wide advancement.
Y are invtited to submit a proposal detailing your workshop via email at conference@partofthecure.org , no later than November 14, 2008 by 5pm.
Hard copy submissions will not be accepted.
Presenters will be notified of accepted proposals by January 5, 2009.
Visit http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=36962859592 for more information.
Peace to Mothyna James-Brightful for creating thisi wonderful event.
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