Open Mic Talent Night is back with a BANG and looking for YOU!
Special guest host is the beautiful and multi talented April Sampe!
Light refreshments, open bar, candlelight, live entertainment and a whole lotta fingersnapping going on! Annie's Art Gallery 5814 Allentown Way,Camp Springs, MD
Saturday, January 29th ~ 9am-11am Dance Place Annex Studio Adjacent to Dance Place 3305 8th Street NE Washington, D.C. 20017 Red Line: Brookland/CUA Metro DC's Own Entertainment Group & The Dow…
Daughters of Destiny Inc, team of professionals host programs specifically geared for young ladies ages 9-17. These programs are designed to promote high self esteem, positive attitude, problem solv…
Saturday, January 29th, 12:00pm-2:00pm~ Booksigning and Discussion of The Obesity Myth: You’re Not Overweight, You’re Overwaste by Aaron K. Mottley. Gives great insight into the use of natural principles of the use of the breath, nutrition, and movement to supercharge the body's natural waste removal system to rid the body of waste, toxins and excess weight. Thereby limiting the possibility of disease. Location: Sisterspace and Books, 3717 Georgia Avenue, N.W. (Georgia Avenue Petworth Metro). For more information call 202-829-0306 SISTERSPACE & BOOKS! 3717 Georgia Ave, NW (GA Av-Petworth Metro)
You have events you would like to share? Add them to for FREE
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Today starts our blog series "Capital Hip Hop Soul" which will feature profiles on some of the music makers in the Nation's Capital and surrounding area who you need to know about. Find out what makes indie artists keep on keeping on. Be inspired. And, most importantly, stay unboxed!
DJ Monty with The Dope Sound
DC is not short of DJ's-- it seems like today every body and their mama is claiming they are a DJ nowadays if they can put together a playlist. So, when we come across an actual mix artist, one who can work the turntables, produce music-- not just play it-- and come correct with a well-rounded music knowledge base, it is certainly cause to pay attention and pick up some pointers.
Enter: DJ Monty with the dope sound.
DJ Monty is the loyal DJ of hip-hop's rapping every-woman, Princess of Controversy, accompanying her on shows and producing the soundtrack to her past plays AlphaB*tch and Breakthrough. He is also a blogger and mix-maker in his own name, dj'ing for events throughout the DC metro area. We love DJ Monty for being the only DJ to donate his own mixtapes to our cause last year for our To Haiti, With Love event raising funds to send to Haiti. Liberated Muse caught up with DJ Monty to kick off our inaugural Capital Hip Hop Soul Series.
Liberated Muse: What style of music do you most enjoy to include in your mixes?
DJ Monty: House music because you never have to worry about the pace of the music slowing down at the party. Ninety-percent of the time when people are dancing and having a good time, it's because the music is fast, rhythmic,and innovative.
Liberated Muse: What feeling do you want to invoke in your listeners when you create your music ?
DJ Monty: A feeling of uniqueness...I want listeners to understand the signature sound of who I am and to know that it cannot be duplicated or imitated.
Liberated Muse: If you couldn't produce music tomorrow and you had to change careers, what would you turn your efforts toward?
DJ Monty: Wow!!!That's a really thought provoking question....I would most definitely turn my efforts toward the culinary arts because I have deep passion for food and crafting personal tastes for each dish I create.I would master every selection I cook and bake and make it my own. Just like with dee-jaying and music production you have to use many styles to find your own flavor.
Liberated Muse: Name three artists you would love to work with and tell us why.
DJ Monty: First, Marsha Ambrosius because she has a signature style unlike any other singer in the world. Her voice is very opera-like and her ability to switch ranges at her leisure is awe inspiring. I have been a fan of her since the beginning of her career and I am really really looking forward to her solo debut album later this year.
Second is Quincy Jones because he has had the ability spread his mastering of sound over decades of music. He has crafted the music of artists such as Michael Jackson, Tamia, Frank Sinatra, and Ray Charles. He is truly a guru and I would love to be his student.
Last is John P. Kee because of the richness and vibrato of his voice. I grew up listening to his music and I have got to say that he is really really underrated. He has set the tone of what contemporary gospel music should sound like. If you are not familiar with his music you need to get familiar and "google" his name asap!
Liberated Muse: How do you think music can change the world for the better?
DJ Monty: I think music can change the world by the breaking down racial barriers in the world. I believe that there have been plenty of examples in the past where this has been done. All it takes is a song to resonate and relate humanity's personal experiences all over the globe and that within itself inspires change.
Liberated Muse: Tell us something that probably few people know about you.
DJ Monty: I still use my library card to check out books.
“When meeting people they ask what is it I do, so they can decide if I hold any value…” -from the song “Economics”, Teisha Marie(now playing on the main page of
(in photo: The band Lucky Dub at the 2009 Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest. Lucky Dub often tweets on Twitter about the unique ways in which they earn money with their music. Follow them on Twitter @lucky_dub. Photo by Shanta Monroe)
In today’s economy, being a creative who is sustained financially can seem more challenging than ever before. In 2008, I started a discussion on–How Much Should You Charge for a Performance Gig. I started the discussion because it was clear to me that many artists had no idea where to even begin when it came to charging a fee for their work. What I also have come to realize is that many artists don’t understand the nature of bartering either. I always stress that today it is essential that artists who plan to live off of their art become savvy in the business of their art. As I complete the book Manifesting Your Life as a Creative due out at the end of this year, I’ve been able to interview literary, performing and visual artists who attest to the fact that nothing is more helpful to them economically then becoming familiar with how you define your value. There really isn’t any way around it. If you don’t know your worth, or at least establish your your worth is, how do you expect others to do so?
Here are some tips to consider as you expand your ability to monetize your art and begin defining your value:
1.) Assess What You’re Putting In to Determine What You Should Get Out
When you are approached to perform for pay, do you accept the first amount of money pitched to you or do you know up front what the base pay should be? Base pay should include the minimum expense it will take to prepare for and travel to your gig’s destination. If the gig requires you to purchase special materials to perform, then that is included in your base pay. If traveling to the gig will take a tank of gas, then that is definitely included in the cost. Base pay should not be less than what you are spending to perform.
2.) Determine if a Non-Paying Gig Will Help You In the Long Run
Every paid gig, however, is not the break through to professional success, just like every non-paid gig is not the worst thing you could do professionally. Non-paid gigs have their value. Finding value in a non-paid gig, however, is dependent on what you have established as an artist as some of your goals and objectives. I love to tell the story of the rapper Substantial who has been a regular performer in the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest, a music festival that I have booked artists for since 2008. The Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest is an all-day music festival where artists are not paid, but are given vending space to sell their products and are promoted online through the media during the six months leading up to the festival. Substantial, who is a full-time music artist, performing all over the world, with an incredibly large international following, sustains himself financially through paid gigs, but has found some non-paid gigs valuable as they are opportunities to sell his music, clothing and other associated paraphernalia. At the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest, I’ve seen folks follow him from the stage to his vending area panting in anticipation to buy just about anything that he has for them to sell him. Substantial visibly has a business plan in motion. He doesn’t perform without product to sell, and he is as professional and accommodating to his audience at any gig he’s at. He’s determined that each opportunity he agrees to perform is an opportunity to sell his product and broaden his brand.
What are some of the benefits that you can find in each potential gig?
3.) Diversify What Type of Gigs You Take On
Many times, when people think of people in the arts, they have tunnel vision, only believing that a career in the arts is successful if your face is plastered on the television or in a magazine every 24-7. The reality is that celebrity is NOT the norm for many people who are living creative lives. And, that’s fine. For, celebrity is not necessary an indicator of success. Most successful creatives do different things to sustain themselves financially. These different things may often fall within the genre of what it is they do artistically, but the roles are different, nonetheless.
Well-known author Marita Golden told me in a recent interview that she began teaching at the college level and facilitating her popular writing workshops at first, to pay the bills.
“On the one hand, sometimes, I’ve been able to live off of my writing,” she told me, “but I like teaching a lot. My workshops came out of a desire to talk about writing in a way that I want to talk about it.”
Whether it’s teaching, doing commissioned art or working for a nonprofit and developing arts programming, often looking outside the box of what type of gigs you are suited for where you can showcase your art is necessary. Ultimately– and it is necessary you know this–your value as a person IS NOT defined by your money-making potential, your artistic skill, image, etc. Keep it all in perspective and stay focused– you can do it!
Do you have any ideas to share on this subject? Would love to hear them. Join the discussion HERE and add your comments.
Would you like a personal consultation to come up with a personal strategy to manifesting your creative life? If so, email us at
Join me on Tuesday, March 15 for my upcoming writing workshop, sponsored by the Prince George’s County Public Library System
About Liberated Muse Productions
Liberated Muse Productions (LMP) is an arts-based organization based in the Washington DC metropolitan area. LMP was created in 2008 by writers and community activists Maceo Thomas and Khadijah "Moon" Ali-Coleman. The intent was to create events promoting artistry and awareness of issues pivotal to urban communities. LMP has become a network of dedicated artists and patrons of the arts.The Capital Hip Hop Soul Festis an LMP landmark event.
Regina Holliday is a DC-based patient rights arts advocate. I had the pleasure of meeting her last year at the One Common Unity Common Folk series at Busboys & Poets on the day that Obama's health care bill was passed. Regina was there to share her mural and a poem she had written about the health care system. She advocates for the need for clarity and transparency in medical records. She created her first mural in that effort on May of 2009. I was able to talk with her briefly on that day at Busboys and Poets before she and I were to share our work with the gathered audience. In our conversation, she talked about how after the death of her husband, Fred Holliday II, on June 17th 2009, she began a large Mural Titled “73 cents.” This piece can be viewed at 5001 Connecticut Ave. Washington, DC 20008. This piece depicts her family’s nightmare journey through the medical system during Fred’s cancer care. She talked about how she had the epiphany to paint a mural for all to see on this wall by a gas station that many passed in the course of a day. She talked about many people were positively supportive about the awareness she was trying to build, while some people were very offended. While the painting became part of the national healthcare debate and was covered by the BBC, CNN, CBS, AOL, VOA, NPR, The Washington Post and the BMJ, there were people who wanted the mural to be painted over. On that day, I knew I was talking to someone who was amazing and a literal world changer.
This painting by Regina Holliday combines elements of several promotional Empire Strikes Back posters from 1980 and 1997. Read the blog post in Regina's words here
Regina Holliday's audaciousness is unrelenting. Maybe it's because she has such a compelling story to share that makes her fearless. Maybe it's her incredible talent as a visual artist that makes her confident. No one can really say. But, Regina's dedication to her mission to change policy regarding health care is palpable and inherent in everthing she does.
On her bio on her blog, simply called "Regina Holliday's Medical Advocacy Blog", I laugh when I read "She speaks at medical conferences providing the patient voice in discussions about HIT". I laugh because I saw Regina this past Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend at an event, Social Justice Camp, she organizes where she shared how she has been executing with finesse "disruptions" where she appears at medical and tech conferences, creating visual art about the memes of the conference. She is not simply speaking or presenting. She is creating art that she later presents, engaging participants to discuss and hear her interpretation of the days events regarding making real change. She is incredible.
Regina Holliday shows us through her activism how art is not only transformative but a tool to document and provide historical reference for change to take place. You can visit her timeline of advocacy at:
Liberated Muse recognizes Regina Holliday for being a trailblazer and shining example of how art transforms places not only into art spaces, but into healing places. Shine on, Regina, and continue to teach us on how to stay unboxed!
Here are some list-worthy events taking place in the Washington DC area to commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Music, Story Telling and Spoken Word Celebration
Saturday, January 15, 2011 | 12 – 5 PM
National Museum of African Art, Latino Center and National Museume of American Indian
To celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, join the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art, Latino Center, and National Museum of the American Indian as artists explore the shared connections of "Love & Justice" found in African, Latino, and Native American communities. Listen, watch, and learn as our guest artists -- including Martha Redbone, Three Generationz, Michelle “Love the Poet” Nelson, Sandra Maria Esteves, Phoebe Farris, Cheick Hamala and Dovie Thomason -- share their expressions of love and justice through their music, spoken word, and storytelling performances. The weekend also includes hands-on activities for all ages as well as films, tours, and other regularly scheduled programs at the museum. Click HERE for details
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Quilt
Event Date:Saturday, 1/15/11 - 9:30 a.m.
Northwest One Public Library What does peace mean to you? Craft your idea on a quilt square using
fabric pens, fabric paint, buttons, glue and more. The completed quilt
will be on display during Black History Month. Materials provided.
Click HERE for details
Social Justice Camp
Thefirst weekend, MLK weekend, Jan 15 & 16, will be a followup to the first camp, with an open call to anyone and everyone to talk about your social justice work and meet like-minded people. We'll gather at MLK library all day Saturday in an unconference format, then again on Sunday afternoon for a workshop style day of brainstorming and planning ongoing projects.
Goals: The main goals of Social Justice Camp DC are:
1) To gather people across sectors and professions to explore social justice issues in Washington, DC.
2) To build networked communities interested in addressing specific challenges affecting DC’s underserved populations.
3) To not only celebrate the achievements of MLK and the Civil Rights Movement, but also to channel our creative energies into projects that build on them.
Who: Who should come to Social Justice Camp DC:
Activists and artists who want to learn more about using social media in the pursuit of social justice.
Employees and volunteers with non-profits, public organizations, libraries, schools and government who want to learn from each other about problem solving the obstacles to social justice in the DC community.
Visionaries and enthusiasts in marketing, business development, and the legal field who want to share their experiences and expertise.
Anyone who is passionate about social justice and has a personal interest in volunteering time and resources to changing the world through collaboration, technology and creativity.
Last year in February 2010, Liberated Muse members came together at the Potter's House, located in the Adams Morgan community in Washington, DC to perform and raise monies for to go towards rebuilding efforts in Haiti after the devastating earthquake that killed about one million people in the tiny island. The earthquake took place a year ago today.
We raised over $300 for that day and many of us created artworks in remembrance of the people of Haiti that we later sold or donated on our own to contribute to the efforts in Haiti. But, there is still a need for aid.
The Nonprofit Times writes:
"As the one-year anniversary of the quake approaches this month, charities rallying to rebuild the country should be moving into recovery mode. Instead, despite all of the money pouring in and aid organizations on the ground, the nation is gripped in a cholera outbreak. The deadly bacterial infection spreads through contact with feces-contaminated water, and runs rampant in unsanitary conditions.
The country dodged a bullet with Hurricane Tomas this past November not being as destructive as was originally predicted. However the lingering water from its flooding is an added danger in the cholera outbreak. Coupled with poor sanitation in the tent cities in Port-au-Prince, the infection has caused more than 2,000 deaths and sparked protests among frustrated locals.
Doctors Without Borders has been treating cholera in Africa for years, so when it was first found in Haiti this past October, Jennifer Tierney, development director, said the charity began treating all patients with symptoms as if they had the disease. An emergency response team of 75 international staff and 400 national staff was created specifically to deal with the outbreaks.
At presstime the organization had treated more than 29,000 patients for Cholera-related symptoms throughout Haiti, including 16,000 in the Artibonite region where it originated. The New York City-based charity had more than 1,000 members of its Haitian staff working solely on the outbreak.
"It is so unique to Haiti," Tierney said. "It has really panicked the population and put an additional strain on the work. There is the potential here for there to be a huge outbreak, and the water from the hurricane (Tomas) has exacerbated the problem."
The American Red Cross, headquartered in Washington D.C., launched a massive immunization campaign in the months prior to the outbreak, according to Julie Sell, ARC's Haiti delegation spokesperson. More than 900,000 people were immunized for a variety of diseases, and officials believe this helped to somewhat deter the outbreak from being worse. The cholera outbreak has just extended the organization's disaster response mode, Sell said. Of the $476 million raised for Haiti as of Sept. 30, only $183.5 million has been spent thus far.
"That is a large amount of money to be spent in nine months, especially in a country as poor as Haiti," she said. "In addition to addressing emergency needs, we also want to invest in programs that will make a lasting difference. Every time we have an emergency pop up like Tomas or cholera, it just extends the needs of emergency relief."
The organization is providing more than 660,000 gallons of clean water per day, and the need for such supplies will only be greater as the Cholera situation escalates.
I was doing a search on organizations that could benefit from aid and are actually on the ground doing valuable, quantifiable work towards helping those in need. I came across an article on the site Mother Jones and found this list compiled by Mac McLelland who is actually dispatched in Haiti and has seen these groups in action. Here are his suggestions with his own testimony following their name. KOFAVIV (Commission of Women Victims for Victims) and FAVILEK (Women Victims Get Up Stand Up)
Founded and run by Haitian rape survivors, both of these organizations assist victims with medical, legal, and moral support, in addition to building a movement against sexual violence. Visit them here and (through an American partner) here, respectively.
Partners in Health
The group cofounded by American superdoctor Paul Farmer has been battling health care problems in Haiti since 1987, and now it's at the forefront of the cholera response. The J/P Haitian Relief Organization, Sean Penn's charity, is also teaming up with PIH to tackle the disease.
KONPAY (Working Together for Haiti)
Provides assistance and support to grassroots environmental, women’s, and human-rights groups. Since the quake, KONPAY has also fought to get Haitian voices included in foreign-run relief and reconstruction meetings.
Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
In addition to providing legal support to Haitians and creating a force of Haitian human-rights lawyers and advocates with its partner, Bureau des Avocats Internationaux, Boston-based IJDH publishes extensive reports that keep a light on conditions in the displacement camps.
Somebody gave me a pair of this company's organic man-panties recently, so I can personally attest to their awesomeness. But more important, every pair you order from the Winter Lights collection gets a solar-powered lantern donated to a displaced woman or family in Haiti.
Do you have more suggestions to add? Have you been doing your own personal work towards aiding Haiti? Do you have a story to share about the impact of last year's earthquake on your family or friend circle? Share with us your story in today's forum.
Be An Active Member of LiberatedMuse
We are looking forward to collaborating
with you in 2011. We will be calling for artists to perform, writers and
visual artists to contribute to upcoming online and print publications
and patrons to attend our events, which include a Spring season of
Running: AMOK, the return of the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest and our
monthly benefit concert series. We are always looking for volunteers, marketing specialists, tech crew and other help as
well. Email us at for more information on how to get involved!
Poet/Actress Rayona L. Young performing at JoJo's Restaurant & Lounge on U Street in DC during promotional tour for the play "Running: AMOK"
Being an artist is a juggling act of always creating and always finding ways to sustain your art. Here are some funding options for artists of all kinds who may need emergency funding assistance:
The Author's League
Since 1917, the Authors League Fund has been helping professional writers and dramatists who find themselves in financial need because of medical or health-related problems, temporary loss of income or other misfortune.
The Fund gives open-ended, interest-free, no-strings-attached loans. These loans are not grants or scholarships meant to subsidize personal writing projects. (It should be kept in mind that many of the Fund’s resources come from other professional writers, agents, and publishers).
The Musician's Foundation The Musicians Foundation helps professional musicians by providing emergency financial assistance in meeting current living, medical and allied expenses.
Requests are handled by application which is available on the Internet and by mail from the Musicians Foundation, 875 Sixth Avenue, Room 2303, New York, NY 10001. You can also request one by telephone at 212.239.9137 or by E-mail from
MusiCares provides a safety net of critical assistance for music people in times of need. MusiCares' services and resources cover a wide range of financial, medical and personal emergencies, and each case is treated with integrity and confidentiality. MusiCares also focuses the resources and attention of the music industry on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community.
Craft Emergency
Immediate support to professional craftspeople facing career-threatening emergencies such as fire, theft, illness, and natural disasters.
Creative Capital
Creative Capital is the only national grantmaking and artist service organization for individual artists with an open application process.
Our selection process includes three steps: inquiry, application and panel review.
To be eligible to apply, an artist must be:
• A U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident
• At least 25 years old
• A working artist with at least five years of professional experience THE LETTER OF INQUIRY PHASE WILL BEGIN ON FEBRUARY 1, 2011.
Do you know of any other funding sources, emergency or otherwise? If so, post it in this forum discussion to share.
Be An Active Member of LiberatedMuse
We are looking forward to collaborating
with you in 2011. We will be calling for artists to perform, writers and
visual artists to contribute to upcoming online and print publications
and patrons to attend our events, which include a Spring season of
Running: AMOK, the return of the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest and our
monthly benefit concert series. We are always looking for volunteers, marketing specialists, tech crew and other help as
well. Email us at for more information on how to get involved!
This Weekend there are a bevy of selections for you to choose from. Here are two of our picks:
Friday, Jan. 7---> Urban Landscapes, From DC to Denmark Photographer Kimberly C. Gaines presents her Artist Reception for her current exhibit Urban Landscapes: From DC to Denmark. This multi-talented artist will answer questions about her process, share her story about her work and engage with visitors about her ongoing work. Below are quick details and visit her blog for more info.
Artist Reception: Friday, January 7, 2011, 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 8-->The Ass Chronicles
Before you get offended or intrigued for the wrong reasons, understand that this play is intentionally meant to get your mind a-spinning.
Written and produced by Maryland-based playwright Empress Joyner, "The Ass Chronicles" is a liberating, healing and comedic depiction of the struggles, loves and woes of a woman's life through dealing with her "ass" against the world. The production is made up of several monologues, some of which deal with social issues such as rape and mutilation. Other monologues deal with issues about sex, love, childbirth and puberty. A recurring theme throughout the play is the butt's use as a tool for female empowerment and the ultimate embodiment of individuality. Visit the play's Facebook page for more information.
* The Bump: Describes a young woman's journey through puberty
* What’s in a Word: A chorus of the many different words for butt
* Put A Robe On: A woman’s personal experience of molestation
* The Hot-n-Tot Venus Salute: A dedication to Sarah Baartman and an awareness of how women are mutilated and sexually exploited
The year 2011 has already started with a bang for We opened the New Year with our 700th member, a Facebook Fan page following of more than 1100 people and a fast-growing follow on Twitter. Be sure to take the time to introduce yourself to some of our newest members in the artist community:
We are looking forward to collaborating
with you in 2011. We will be calling for artists to perform, writers and
visual artists to contribute to upcoming online and print publications
and patrons to attend our events, which include a Spring season of
Running: AMOK, the return of the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest and our
monthly benefit concert series. We are always looking for volunteers, marketing specialists, tech crew and other help as
well. Email us at for more information on how to get involved!
This note is from Liberated Muse member Chaquis Maliq. Questions? Visit her page and leave her message HERE.
"Jambalaya Wednesdays is a weekly open mic series, with a featured artist every week. Jambalaya is the creation of DMV's own Substantial and Baltimore's Commen Mindz Barbershop & Oasis.
Not only is Commen Mindz a barbershop it is definitely an oasis. With its unique set up and ambiance, it's also one the best lounges I've been to in the area. Jambalaya has a great vibe, great ppl, and great sportsmanship, for you pool lovers.
There is just one thing missing… Female artists! So far, there has only been one female feature at Jambalaya. The great thing about being a feature at Jambalaya is that features are compensated for their performances. However, you cannot feature without participating in the actual open mic.
So if you are a female musician, female singer, female poet, female emcee; female comedian; or all of the above. By all means, you are a goddess and Jambalaya would love to have you! There is no need to send link, this is not a showcase, it’s an open mic. Tracks are welcomed at this open mic, also. If you are interested, come to Jambalaya Wednesdays and introduce you and your talent!
Commen Mindz Barbershop & Oasis
1826 Woodlawn Dr. Suite #3
Baltimore, MD
8:30 PM
Be An Active Member of LiberatedMuse
We are looking forward to collaborating
with you in 2011. We will be calling for artists to perform, writers and
visual artists to contribute to upcoming online and print publications
and patrons to attend our events, which include a Spring season of
Running: AMOK, the return of the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest and our
monthly benefit concert series. We are always looking for volunteers, marketing specialists, tech crew and other help as
well. Email us at for more information on how to get involved!
(Liberated Muse members Afi Makalani & Kevin Sabio at the 2010 RWA Author's Pavillion in Richmond, VA)
What Do You Want to Do Artistically In 2011?
New Year's Resolutions are always great because they encourage you to
plan to do things for the New Year that you may not have been able to
do in previous years. Do you have a song you want to write, a CD you
want to produce, a show you want to perform at? How about an visual art
exhibit-- is there a piece of work you want to showcase? A book you want
to write?
Share with us the projects you want to put
out there this year, folks you want to collaborate with or just mind
sets you are working on changing in 2011. Maybe we can collaborate or just support each other with positive energy, suggestions or opportunities to share. Click HERE to join the discussion.
The 2010 Cast of "Running: AMOK" in the 2010 Capital Fringe Fest this past summer
(l to r: Liberated Muse members Sudani Scott, Quineice, Teisha Marie, Dionne)
DC Black Theater Festival Call for Plays & Workshop Facilitators
The 2011 DC Black Theatre Festival
Open Call for: One-Acts, New Works, Workshops & Full-Length
Submission Categories:
• Full-Length Plays
• One-Act Plays
• New Works Reading Series
• Workshops
The DC Drama Department is proud to announce the 2011 DC Black Theatre
Festival, a week-long festival celebrating the thriving theatre
community in Washington DC, June 12-19, 2011. Read More on Liberated Muse HERE.
CHISPA Call For Presenters
On Feb 17th Liberated Muse member Jessica Solomon (The Saartjie Project)
celebrates the first anniversary of her company's event, Chispa. Taking place at the Atlas Theatre, Chispa will be part of INTERSECTIONS: A New America
Arts Festival! In the spirit of the festival, Jessica is inviting the community (Ahem.. you!) to continue to break
boundaries & create connections by presenting:
…in 360 seconds. What is "Chispa": Chispa, meaning "spark"
in Spanish, was inspired by Pecha Kucha, a presentation format that emerged in
Japan as a way for architects to share their work. Variations of this format
have sprung up around the world, including the popular IgniteDC events. SUBMIT YOUR IDEA TODAY! Visit for
juicy details and spread the word!
Liberated Muse Member of the Month: Katrina Ge
Born in Florida, , KatrinaGe is a multi-talented vocalist/ author/ and
songwriter living in South Carolina. She has traveled extensively across
the US and inspired many with her use of the arts and work as a
spiritual leader to bring people together. While living in Texas,she sang
with the gospel/jazz group PureGold, enjoying the opportunity to open
for the Jackson Southernaires, Mississippi Mass and many other high
profile gospel acts. Currently she is in the studio finishing her
nu-jazz/neo gospel debut CD (Touch the World) while building an arts
community in her city in South Carolina. Visit her on Liberated Muse HERE.
Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest festival-goer with Liberated Muse member Rob Sharp of 3rdSide Productions, a 2010 Sponsor of the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest
Be An Active Member of Liberated Muse
We are looking forward to collaborating
with you in 2011. We will be calling for artists to perform, writers and
visual artists to contribute to upcoming online and print publications
and patrons to attend our events, which include a Spring season of
Running: AMOK, the return of the Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest and our
monthly benefit concert series. We are always looking for volunteers, marketing specialists, tech crew and other help as
well. Email us at for more information on how to get involved!!