So, all good things must come to an end, and such is the case with the debut exhibit of Liberated Muse-- "A Celebration of Freedom". The exhibit ends next week on Dec. 1.

Stephan Cox
Shan'ta Monroe
James Terrell
Prudence Bonds
Marshetta Davis
Keisha Carroll
Sherry Burton Ways
Jade Andwele
Please make sure you check out the exhibit before it comes down on Dec. 1. Several of the pieces were sold and all of the artists are involved in upcoming shows, so it is encouraged you stay connected with them by joining the www.LiberatedMuse.com network if you haven't joined already.

(In photo: Work by artist Jade Andwele. The piece sold during the second month of the exhibit)
The Celebration of Freedom is currently up at:
The Potter's House
1658 Columbia Road, NW
Washington DC